what is your favourite colour at the moment?
Kimberly Snyder posted a great image on facebook today. She made this pic with images of fruits and vegetables from five different colours I think....
Kimberly Snyder posted a great image on facebook today. She made this pic with images of fruits and vegetables from five different colours I think....
Interestingly many plants and animals make their own Vitamin C. It is just a few animals that cannot synthesise it and need to get it...
Written by Felicia Drury Kliment, from New York, this book promises to be an excellent read: 'An innovative program that detoxifies your body's acidic waste...
[caption id="attachment_2441" align="alignright" width="164"] Top: Lesser cornstalk borer larvae extensively damaged the leaves of this unprotected peanut plant. (Image Number K8664-2)-Photo by Herb Pilcher.Bottom: After...
Enzymes are really interesting. What are they? To my knowledge enzymes are things that help reactions in the body along. Remember in chemistry when you...
I am not convinced, by this idea that you could nourish yourself without any form of dense complete protein such as fish or eggs in...
A friend of mine asked me to do some research into an ailment that is bothering him. He describes it as a cross between being...
I wanted to a bit more research into pesticide and insecticide use in modern agriculture. The first pesticide that was developed was DDT in 1939....
In the quest to find out why it is that my concentration is so bad at the moment, and why on earth, do I feel...