Autumn week 13 - comfort food, pantry recipes and infection busters! - My Health Zest

Autumn week 13 – comfort food, pantry recipes and infection busters!

autumn meal planning infection busters comfort food pantry recipes

Autumn week 13 – comfort food, pantry recipes and infection busters!

One of the best things about eating food that is available seasonally, is the thrill that you get when you come back around to a particular season again and recall all the delicious recipes you ate last year at this time. If this is your first time around the sun in seasonal eating, it might be nice to find some more seasonal recipes!

In this week’s meal plan, I have included a broccoli recipe, because I have read that broccoli is particularly good at helping your body fight infection. And as we are just getting started with COVID-19 in Australia, I thought that it might be nice to post a recipe that includes this delicious healthy ingredient.

I have also included a recipe using mainly pantry staples and a more complicated lasagne recipe that is going to be the ultimate comfort food coming into the cooler months.

Without further ado, here is my weekly meal plan for 2020 week 13. Enjoy!

Broccoli and sausage spaghetti

autumn recipes with infection fighting broccoli

This recipe has some meat in it. As much as it is clear that we should all be trying to eat as much vegetarian food as possible, not only for the planet, but also for our health, I do subscribe to a ‘flexitarian’ eating regime, and will occasionally add some meat to my diet. This recipe struck me as true comfort food when I saw it this week. To be honest, in these times of downturn and financial insecurity, a bit of comfort food is not going astray. Also, it has just started getting colder here in Australia, so it is nice to think of a hearty, warming meal. (Sausages probably aren’t the healthiest things in the world, but they sure are tasty! Everything in moderation, including moderation 🙂 )

The link to the recipe can be found over at

[Edit. This broccoli and sausage pasta recipe has definitely not made my keepers list. I have been reading about saturated fat, and seeing all the fat that came out from these sausages (and that was just in the pan when I soaked it) made me feel quite ill. Sausages really aren’t the thing at all.]

White bean shakshuka with feta

winter seasonal recipes pantry recipe

Although this recipe was on the winter meal planning list last year, I thought I would include it because it is a good pantry meal for using up some of the stock we have in our pantries now that we are shutdown, and because it is another comfort meal. I also have some eggs that I need to use up! You can find the recipe on Vital Sustenance here.

Butternut lasagne with mushrooms and sage

autumn recipe meal planning for vegetarians

This last dinner recipe looks like it is going to be both a lot of work and very delicious. At a time when we are all stuck at home and cooking seems like an absolutely lovely thing to do, I thought I might cook it for a treat on the weekend.

You can find the recipe on Feasting at Home here. 

[This is a lovely weekend meal that takes a bit longer, but is also worth the effort. I enjoyed the meal more the first time I ate it rather than reheating it later.]

Terriyaki and tofu burgers

easy vegetarian lunch recipes - terriyaki and tofu burgers

For a quick and easy lunch idea or for a simple and quick dinner, I thought these terriyaki and tofu burgers looked yummy. They are a great vegetarian option and will make enough to refrigerate for snacks or a few lunches.

[This recipe was really fabulous. I made four meals out of it and had some as burgers on toasted bread with salad, and some on top of rice with a side of steamed broccoli (with tamari and sesame oil), and a fresh salad. What would have been REALLY nice would have been a big bowl with rice, these teriyaki burgers, steamed, dressed broccoli and sauerkraut or or other pickled veges.]

And that is week 13! Hopefully I will be back next week with some more autumn vegetarian and flexitarian recipes!

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