Autumn equinox meals - vegan autumn meals planning - My Health Zest

Autumn equinox meals – vegan autumn meals planning

autumn equinox meals, vegan autumn meals bombay frankie

Autumn equinox meals – vegan autumn meals planning

It is so lovely to observe the changing of the seasons. And autumn really is a lovely time of year, here in Melbourne, Australia. The days are still warm, and the air is bright. The sun is still warm. We just celebrated the autumn equinox, so food is taking on a different season. In this post, I will reflect back on some of my favourite autumn equinox meals, and vegan autumn meals from years past.

It really is such a wonderful resource to have seasonal meal planning done so that as the seasons change, I just need to scan my list of recipes to find something that is really cosy and comforting, as the weather gets cooler and seasonal produce changes again.

Seasonal meal planning – autumn equinox meals

I really love eating according to what is in season. It makes every equinox or solstice an event and brings so much festive atmosphere to each and every season of the year.

As I was scanning through previous years’ vegan autumn meals, I found some recipes that were just delicious when I made them last year.

Tonight I made Bombay Frankies – an absolutely delicious, easy and healthy autumn vegan meal, containing cauliflower, potato, chick peas and herbs and spice (I used coconut yoghurt – it was delicious).

Another meal that stood out as being a winner from last year was: Pasta with artichoke sauce – it really was lovely.

And for lunch, I am looking forward to all the soups that are so yummy during the cooler months. I think I am going to start with this Spicy Thai style pumpkin ramen. I remember it was a good one last year!

The bleak winds of autumn

When the season changes from summer to autumn it can sometimes feel a bit dour and bleak. At times during this transition, I feel like I have a tumbleweed rolling through an emptiness inside. That is another reason why it can be nice at this time of year to have some lovely autumn comfort meals ready to prepare and delight your senses.

For autumn equinox meals you can start to celebrate the changing fresh produce of the season, and the warmer food does lend itself to a kind of celebration of sorts. If you are in the northern hemisphere, March celebrates the arrival of spring and the spring equinox, so it is even more reason to feel alive, and as though your senses are waking up.

When planning autumn vegan meals, it is a good idea to find recipes that use produce that is in season now.
You can find a great resource to see what is in season at Sustainable Table here.

What is your favourite autumn meal? Do you have one? Tell us in the comments!

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