Tasty seaweed salad recipe
Are you aware of the benefits of good fats such as omega-3 fatty acids and unsaturated fats such as avocado, nuts and olive oil? One excellent...
Are you aware of the benefits of good fats such as omega-3 fatty acids and unsaturated fats such as avocado, nuts and olive oil? One excellent...
I have had a request for a printable version of my low-carb muesli recipe. Here it is: Low carb seed and nut muesli 1 1/2 cups rolled...
For public health reasons if nothing else, I believe it is helpful to think about strategies for encouraging cafes and restaurants to serve more plant-based...
How amazing was that!? (I am talking about the women's park skateboarding at the Paris Olympics). It is so much fun to watch, and perhaps...
This week, , , I want to do the bulk of the shopping online to reduce the amount of time I spend at the shops....
How amazing! i am quite ignorant where Indonesian cuisine is concerned!!! So many of the dishes on this list are quite unfamiliar to me! I would like...
So, , , I think Turtle is excited because the Olympics are beginning today!! It is so interesting to read news about this event in Paris...
I got the sense that my friend wanted me to post a link to this funny on this page. . . It is true. ....
I am running late AGAIN! I have been doing what? Exactly, for the past 45 minutes?, cleaning out the fridge and nearly , making a shopping list. my...