Thoughts on Christmas treats - My Health Zest

Thoughts on Christmas treats

Christmas sweets

Thoughts on Christmas treats

The thing that I love about Christmas (the food), is also the thing that I hate about Christmas. I have so much chocolate and sweets to get through. It irks me.

Not only that, but I have given sweets and chocolate as gifts to people I love! It feels like such a conflict of interest. I am worried about their teeth!

Normally I wouldn’t have sweets in the house. But when they are here, I will eat them. And it is pretty much the last thing that I, or most people need!

Cancel Christmas

This year was the first year that I found Christmas to be a royal pain in the bum. It is not a holiday. It is one almighty DEADLINE. And everything needs to get done before then. Presents, letters, food for a feast, Christmas parties, finishing up work projects, getting ready for sales, and pretty much everything needs to be done by the 25th of December!!

At the end of a long year, it feels like it is just insanity. Or at least that is what I thought this year. My perspective might have been clouded by the fact that I started my new job at the start of December, and so I was still acclimatising to it. So, perhaps Christmas came at me all too soon. I am not sure, because usually I can get into the spirit of it.

Getting into the spirit of giving

Because I did get a little inspiration to get amongst it, I started looking for Christmas gifts for my loved ones. But, it just feels like I would probably buy a whole heap of stuff they don’t need, and I can’t really afford it either, so my mind turned to DIY gifts. There were a few crafty kinds of things, but I was drawn to the food gifts, so I made Dark chocolate and pecan toffee and some spiced and sweet nuts for my gifts.

diy christmas gifts

To be honest, they were very underwhelming. So underwhelming that I was too embarrassed to give them to my friends, and am planning to pack them up with some other nice things for loved ones to post tomorrow. I am sending New Year’s gifts this year!!

In any case, I am just adding to the general burden of calories that is weighing down on pretty much everyone this week. So. much. food. So many sweets. So much sugar. So many calories.

It is no good!

Christmas in July!

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