12 Mar Tempeh fritter dinner bowl – Tuesday night intuitive cooking
As I mentioned earlier, I am feeling like the antidote to working in the food industry part of my week and the inevitable kind of nourishment burnout, is to engage my skills in intuitive cooking for my own sustenance.
Tonight I FELT like cooking. (Even though I did dread it somewhat when I opened the fridge!). . . Perhaps I was looking forward to the mindful creativity that can arise when cooking intuitively.
The process
My meal started with roasting some purple and orange carrots with a little chunk of broccoli I had left over. I marinated them in olive oil, cumin and cayenne pepper, and put them into the oven to roast.
Then I sliced some lovely nicola potatoes into chunks, tossed them in olive oil, paprika and oregano and put them in the oven to roast too.
For protein I attempted to make some tempeh bites (fritters), using beaten egg, herbs, breadcrumbs, flour, baking powder etc. I used the air fryer to bake these bites and they only took about 5 minutes in total.
the menu
And so, , , my creative cooking produced a tempeh bite dinner bowl with the following elements:
– tempeh fritter balls with spicy tomato relish
– yoghurt, paprika and oregano with a Greek yoghurt baked potato salad
– roasted heirloom carrots and broccoli in a green cabbage slaw with tahini, lemon and maple dressing
Nutritional content
I am pretty sure I didn’t get enough PROTEIN in my meal, but all will be revealed when I try to sleep tonight.
The flavours were exceptionally tasty, and I really enjoyed eating my creative dinner bowl.
What was your dinner tonight?
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