Some kind of eatery - preferably with COFFEE - My Health Zest

Some kind of eatery – preferably with COFFEE

an iced coffee, finally!

Some kind of eatery – preferably with COFFEE

Maybe opening a cafe would be a LOT OF WORK. . . But maybe I could feed myself at the same time as other people, thereby killing two birds with one stone and remaining healthy to boot – as well as nourishing others, , , and FINALLY designing my own damn cafe menu!

I don’t think this is something that I could do on my own, but I am not sure that I can think of another person who has skills in hospitality or food. A partner would make all the difference. . . AM I MADDDD??? IS THIS A CRAZY IDEA?

The property that I saw FOR LEASE was on the shady side of the street, at least in the mornings, there were some places FOR SALE on the sunny side, but that might be a bridge TOO FAR.

What would I need? A partner perhaps. . . A bank loan. A deposit. . . An architect, or some kind of interior architect. SUPPLY. Customers.

OUCH!! What am I talking about??

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