Semolina porridge in an open Alimentari kitchen - My Health Zest

Semolina porridge in an open Alimentari kitchen

Semolina porridge in an open Alimentari kitchen

Now THAT is a kitchen! It has got me thinking too. How DO commercial kitchens produce so much food so quickly? It is a little bit humbling. I just saw a chef plate a set of about eight small sandwiches. How long did they take? Five minutes? Less? It makes me realise that I am such small fry. Even if maybe I am coming to it from the point of view of a nutritionist not a commercial cook.

And I suppose there would be a lot of prep behind the scenes. The chefs here at Alimentari are probably just putting all the elements together.

Still, it is a treat, if somewhat uncomfortable to sit watching the chefs at work (and them being able to see me eat!)

I had the semolina porridge which had grated nutmeg and a rhubarb compote. It was a sweet and sugar rich breakfast but my tummy was already lined with a boiled egg on toast, so I thought it might be okay!!

Unfortunately, I can already feel the effects of the sugar, so I should go and burn some energy.

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