intuitive cooking as an antidote for lack of motivation - My Health Zest

intuitive cooking as an antidote for lack of motivation

air fried chicken, spinach leaves with a stirfry of mushrooms, zucchini, tomatoes, garlic, chilli flakes, mustard seeds, vegan cream cheese and quinoa and brown rice mix

intuitive cooking as an antidote for lack of motivation

Lately, I have been complaining to anyone willing to listen that my new job cooking for people, three days a week has had the unhappy and unintended consequence of reducing the amount of time, energy and motivation that I have to nourish my own body. And while I have been feeling lacklustre, these past couple of weeks, I am not sure that my diet is (solely) the culprit.

In any case, I am interested to see if I can transform my nourishment into something that is just as healthy as the food I have grown accustomed to but also preserves my sanity and my energy. I think that it may be a common problem – this **cbf** (couldn’t be bothered) at dinner time, or for lunch or breakfast even, so maybe we can work this out together to create something workable for those of us who don’t have the time, energy or inclination to cook elaborate meals each night.

My idea is that if you can’t be bothered cooking, then turn the process into something playful. Your meals might not be exactly what you were expecting, but they will sure be interesting enough to keep you motivated for yourself or your clan. The process is likely to be more enjoyable, more creative, and less arduous than following a recipe.

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