A kitchen to cook in - My Health Zest

A kitchen to cook in

ikea benchtops - is that the stone one?

A kitchen to cook in

I just want to think out loud about my kitchen for a few, if that is okay.

There is actually one more option that I haven’t considered.

Options so far

I have investigated a Bunnings flatpack kitchen, which just felt like it didn’t give me anything extra that I wanted, and came with some things I didn’t like.

I have also investigated two companies who do a ‘face lift’ – just replace cabinet doors, benchtops, splashbacks, and adjust cabinetry for the insertion of a dishwasher etc.

Yes, I liked the materials, but it still doesn’t really give me any additional storage perks, (but I would have a dishwasher).

The last option I have investigated is an IKEA kitchen, which gives me lots of additional things I want, like drawers, and a complete corner cupboard. But I didn’t like the stone benchtop in that option, so it would probably be laminate. . . It feels like a concession.

Then, installation

The installation of the IKEA kitchen quotes range from 3 K (without a lot of necessary inclusions) to 10 K, , , so I am still looking at maybe 20 K all said and done, (perhaps – I am still waiting on one quote).

The option that I haven’t investigated is Mr Cabinets. One of my neighbours used them and raved about them. They paid 18 K. And I guess I am just thinking that if it looks like I am going to spend that anyway, maybe I should consider a more premium option.

More cooking!

Today the support coordinator who hired me for my Music House’s cooking said that she might have another cooking job for me. I know that cooking for a living isn’t exactly a stretch cognitively, but it does feel creative, and I love being up and out and active, rather than behind a computer (for the time being).

The point is that the client would probably want me to prepare food in my kitchen and deliver it to them. So, it has reinvigorated my thoughts about a good kitchen, because it might get more of a workout. 🙂

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